Starting Research

Looking for a project? (McMaster Medicine learners only)

Research experience and scholarship is a very important component of medical education and training.

Research opportunities at the Waterloo Regional Campus tend to focus on applied clinical questions, quality improvement and patient safety, medical education, and literature reviews/synthesis. Some learners pursue a formal research elective that is one or two weeks in duration.

If you would like to enlist the support of the Research Lead to help identify relevant research opportunities please fill out the form below:


Looking for help on your research project?

Many McMaster learners are looking for opportunities to engage the local community in collaborative research and quality improvement. Many also have requisite experience in research and quality improvement. Learners can engage in new or existing projects.  

For local clinicians, researchers, and healthcare organizations, the opportunity to engage a McMaster learner in a research or quality improvement project provides voluntary research capacity that otherwise would not be available.

We welcome local clinicians, administrators, and researchers to engage our learners in their research and quality improvement projects. Projects can range from scientific experimental and observational studies, continuous quality improvement initiatives, program evaluation, and review/development of best practice and policy. We support research mentors with methodological guidance and knowledge translation.

If you are interested in becoming a research mentor or supervisor the form below and we will contact you with potential students.



Research and QI ProJect Proposal Template


Guidelines for Residents

This document is a guide for senior residents in planning and conducting their CQI project. Completion of a satisfactory CQI project is an essential objective of the core program.